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Summer Solstice Sunrise

The sun reached its highest position in the sky! That's right, summer solstice happened in June.

I checked the sun position for the Summer Solstice the night before and noticed that the sun would rise right behind the offshore wind farm. So I thought I should see it and take the sunrise photos. (By the way, you can check the sun position on

Living in quite a high latitude, I had to wake up at 3am to catch the sunrise of the Summer Solstice and wait until 4:10am to see the sunrise. But, it was worth waiting for. When I arrived the location, the sky was fully covered by clouds. I thought, that's it, no chance to see the sunrise. About 30 minutes before the sunrise, suddenly some of the clouds disappeared on the horizon and I could see the sky! I think it was my lucky day, I could see the sunrise, and at the same time the sky was cloudy in the higher altitude, so that was the perfect landscape for photography.

I am glad that I can share these photos with you. Enjoy these photos until next year!


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